Saturday, July 20, 2013

Open up


The interim constitution of Nepal has recognized Right to Information (RTI) as one of the fundamental rights of people. RTI Act 2007 and Rule 2009 help citizen exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to know. Though the posts of information commissioners are currently vacant, we have independent semi-judicial institution, the National Information Commission (NIC), to hear appeals from information requesters if they are denied requested information by public agencies. However, it must be said that access to information situation is still weak. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Increasing Domestic Revenue

- Anirudra Neupane

The Government of Nepal seems to be planning to increase the size of the annual budget for F/Y 2012/13. The government might be justifying the proposed increment from the perspective of economic philosophy that every rise in the government expenditure on productive activities has a multiplier effect on the country's economic growth and development.

However, increase in the size of the budget is criticised for its negative effect on the economy as increased recurrent expenditure, including transfer payments, might raise inflation beyond the limits. On the other hand, increase in government expenditure should primarily be in line with increase in domestic revenue. Therefore, the government should have analysed the consequences of the proposed increase in expenditure on one side and the possibility of increasing domestic revenue on the other.